Changing the pace


New member
Hey Mixies,

Is there a way to speed up a wav file. I'll explain.

I've recorded a song but I want the tempo to be a bit faster. I don't mind if the pitch goes up a bit. In the olden days you could make the tape player go faster = tempo up and pitch up. Can you do that digitally. I have cubase and wavelab.

If you READ THE MANUAL in either of those programs, it will become painfully apparent that both programs have multiple time-streching/compression techniques.
I know Cubase does, never used Wavelab. Like Massive said, read the manual. It sucks, and it's a lot easier to get an answer on the forum, but it shouldn't take more than a minute to find out how to time stretch in the manual.
you could also try re-sampling. Say if you have a 44.1khz file and play it back at 48khz it'll speed it up.

not sure why you'd want to do this instead of using time compression/expansion. but it's there if ya can't get anythig else to work :D
MessianicDreams said:
you could also try re-sampling. Say if you have a 44.1khz file and play it back at 48khz it'll speed it up.

not sure why you'd want to do this instead of using time compression/expansion. but it's there if ya can't get anythig else to work :D

yes, that'd prolly do it....but it's a little bit 'hit and miss' with that technique!!