CEP2 and Delta 1010 playback

Chris Fallen

New member
My mind is nice and boggled, so I decided to come in here and ask around.

I'm trying listen to four tracks in CEP 2.0 and send those track out my Delta 1010 outs 1-4 to go line in to my mixer 1-4. When I do this, only a stereo mix is coming out in tracks 1 and 2. What do I have to do to get CEP to send out the tracks I'm listening to track by track instead of as a mix?
I dont think you can have seperate outs for each track.

The only way to do it would be to pan track 1 hard left. Track 2 hard right and so on. Then select outputs 1/2 to tracks 1/2 and 3/4 to outputs 3/4.

So there's no way to put like, track 1 of CEP out of the Delta 1010's HW out 1 and then track 2 of CEP out the delta 1010's HW out 2? And so on?
Click on the Out 1 above the button where you select the input for recording....if your soundcard allows your stereo pairs to be separated, I think it should work
DELTA control panel

sounds like you've got output 1 (channels 1&2) on the delta set as monitor mix. You can change it in the patchbay router in the control panel for the delta card.
Lemon Tree Has It...

First, set the track outputs in the M-Audio Control Panel. Then, Go into Cool Edit's Multitrack mode and set the outputs, there.