Cassette Slowing Down


New member
I have a Vesta Fire MR-10 Pro 4-track (graciously donated by forum member Julia) and I'm having a problem... on the second song and thereon on a tape I recorded on the MR-10, the tape is playing in a slower speed. I can turn the pitch control up slightly to get it sounding about right, but I want to know if anyone knows what may be causing this? Could it be the tape, which is a Sony Type I Normal Bias 60 minute or is it the deck? Could it have something to do with a repair that was made by my sister's boyfriend and I to resolder the headphone jack to the board? How can I fix it?

I'm certainly hoping this is a quick fix, because I want to get my demo CD finished ASAP! :)
The headphone fix doesn't have anything to do with your problem. That is a separate circuit.

Does it happen on another recorded four-track tape recorded on this machine? Could be that the pinch roller starts slipping after the first song. What is it's condition? Could be a bad tape cartridge too. The tape could also be rubbing on the inside of the case due to a bad rewind stack. But I doubt it. I'm just considering all possibilities.

This doesn't have anything to do with your problem, but doesn't that deck use a Hi-Bias 70EQ Type II tape?