Carillon X12 12 Channel Mixer - anyone used it??


Milk It
Hi guys,

I'm looking at getting a little mixer to help with recording band demos. I've found the Carillon X12 12 Channel Mixer and I'm wondering if I should purchase it. It's going for 150 bucks at a local store.

Has anyone ever used one before? I can't seem to find out if I can connect it to my computer via USB, does anyone know?

Thanks in advance!
Hi guys,

I'm looking at getting a little mixer to help with recording band demos. I've found the Carillon X12 12 Channel Mixer and I'm wondering if I should purchase it. It's going for 150 bucks at a local store.

Has anyone ever used one before? I can't seem to find out if I can connect it to my computer via USB, does anyone know?

Thanks in advance!

It appears to be a analog mixer only and I could not find any mention of a usb connection in the description.

Do you currently have a two channel audio interface that you going to connect to this mixer ?
$150 seems to be the going price, however you will still need to buy a USB audio interface, why don't you look for a mixer that has the USB inbuilt, there are a lot of options out there. Allen & Heath, Soundcraft, Yamaha?

Thanks for the replies guys, but I bought an 8 input audio interface with USB that is working fine. Thanks anyway!