Can't record controllers in realtime?


New member
Got my Supernova 2 rack hooked up to my Tyros and PC with a M-Audio 2x2 using Cubase SX 1.2. But the little bugger doesn't want to record in real time?!

I've checked the global settings on my supernova and they seem ok:

Incomming controller messages: enabled

Local Control is set to : ON

And have also checked the part settings

Controller filter: off

I can edit the controllers in cubase and they play back ok, but it's just not the same(as fun) as recording in real time.

Anyone got any ideas? :confused:

Cheers me dears!
Try setting the Local Control to 'off'.

This breaks the connection between the keyboard and the sounds inside and may solve the problem.
Hi, i've tried turning local control off, but then I can't use the controllers at all when turning the knobs alone. Damn this is so annoying :mad: :(
i'm no controllers expert, and i'm not really sure - but if you get really really stuck, and cant get it working the package i use might work.
but dont bite my head off okay ? because i never use controllers.
but if i remember it will record control changes and let you edit them.
try the demo of powertracks from its a very powerfull
full midi featured sequencer amongst many other things it does.
the demo will let you do everything but save. its 49 bucks.
you might also email pg tech support and look on the forum to see if it will do what you want..
there are some midi heavies there that know way more than i do about
midi controllers etc. peace.