Cant install Sonar 2.0 on DX9a??


New member
I bought all new hardware and put on directx9a now i cant install Sonar. It says i dont have dx8.1 installed? Anyone know what i can do? Also..the big problem. I just re-installed windows, so all my programs stayed on. I cant load Sonar coz it says error in there a way i can keep all my songs? They are in the Cakewalk projects folder on c:.
Real sorry champ! Never come across it, or heard of it? Where have i been?!

So do you think if i leave all my songs/work files in the Cakewalk Projects folder, and reinstall sonar, then they'll all show up? Or will they be overwritten?

Im just very cautious! DOnt wanna lose 3 years of work!!