can't hear anything when tracking, anybody can help?


New member
i'm building my home studio step by step and don't have all the material that i want now ... i want to have a full analog studio ... but till now no space enough ...
what i have now his a studer A 80 , an M Audio fats track ultra 8R as a sound card and i use pro tools in a Mac ( + pre's , comp, good mics, reverbs, ...)
so i plug my pre's in the studer and the 'out' of the suder in the in of my sound card (all 8 tracks)
i can record in pro tools what i recorded on tape , just playing it
the thing is that i can't hear anything when i record on tape , i can listen only when i play it ...
it's really a problem to listen to the voice when tracking, cause i can't hear it when i'm recording it ...i just got what i already recorded (drums and guitars ..)
does anybody got a solution for me ?? anybody can help ??
thanx !!
IIRC the A80 is a 3-head need to read the manual for the A80 and learn how to monitor in "sync" off the record head...the tracks you already recorded are "playing" off the record head while you record the new tracks onto empty tracks.

I'm not familiar with the A80.

Anybody give him some pointers?
thanx for your answer
well, i don't know how tu use it as 'sync' and 'record' in the same time ...
i looked at the manual but did not find what i was looking for ...
someone can help ?
Well, if you want help, then throw out a bone when you can. Its one thing to hope somebody can walk you through the instructions in the manual, and yet another to hope they'll guess which model you have.:D