Can't get time back when erasing? 840EX


New member
I copied this thread from a post I have on the VS Planet

I tried the track cut and then optimize like a previous thread suggested. When that didn't work I tried track erase and then optimize like my last thread suggested and that didn't give me any time back either. What am I doing wrong?
I was erasing TR1-V1. I had stuff on TR1-V2. That doesn't matter, does it? The stuff on TR1-V1 is completely gone according to the play list but I didn't get any time back.

Great Scott Marty! Where did the time go?
Signed, frustrated Mcfly
One possible reason:

If you cut and erased tracks from one track that still exist on another track, you won't get any time back.

I.e., if the tracks were copied from another track onto a new track, no time was used for the addition of the new track. Thus, no time will be recovered with the deletion/cutting/erasure of the new track.

I take it that you are just trying to erase track 1-1. If that is the case go through the menus (as you have already done I'm guessing) Track -> Erase -> select track -> select time. This erases the track but doesn't give you back any time. To get your time back you need to optimize the song. It is suggested to NOT optimize further as some people have experienced loss of tracks.

That should work. Just remember that you will only get back the time that you have erased, ie if there was only 30 seconds on that track you will only get back 30 seconds.

I just saw your post on the VS planet... you will most likely get the same response there.

Lopp, that wasn't the case but that's an important thing to remember for future use. Thanks

Porter, I did optimize this time after erasing. I was very careful on every step because when this happened before I just figured I must have screwed something up.

I had two rhythm guitar tracks that were recorded separately. One on 1-V1 and one on 1-V2. I wanted to erase the first one so I went through the pages as described in the manual. For time, I clicked on "ALL". I immediately did song optimize after that. I can't figure it out?? Anything sound wrong to you?
