cant delete


New member
in audtion 2.0 how do i delete a track from tha maine file

for some reason when i delete my track it doesnt delete it from tha main folder

any help

midwest said:
in audtion 2.0 how do i delete a track from tha maine file

for some reason when i delete my track it doesnt delete it from tha main folder

any help


I'm still trying to figure this one out myself. When I am using AA 2.0, I just leave the folder that keeps all the saved WAVs and erase them when I erase them in AA 2.0.

You follow?

Its inconvienient, but it works.
just because you remove them from your session doesnt mean that they should be deleted from your harddrive. you have to delete them yourself...
thajeremy said:
just because you remove them from your session doesnt mean that they should be deleted from your harddrive. you have to delete them yourself...

Yes, thats what we're saying. When we delete them we WANT them to be deleted from the hard drive.
I've got AA 1.5 and I'm assuming it's identical to 2.0 in this regard.

Here's how I do it:

* In Multitrack, right click on the wav you want to delete. You get a dropdown menu.

* Left click on Destroy Track, and then click Yes on the popup you get.

* Then go into Edit View, and click on File, and then Save As.

* Make sure that the Save As window is displaying the session you want (the one you're in in Multitrack).

* Right click and highlight the track you want to delete. You get a dropdown menu.

* Left click Delete, and then click Yes in the popup.

At this point, it's useful I find to go back into Multitrack and do two things:

* Click File and then Close Only Non-session Media. Then click on File and then Save Session.

At this point, the tracks you want should be completely deleted from the session. However, if you go into Windows Explorer and look inside the folder that contains your session, you'll see that the PK file for the deleted track still exists - the wav has been deleted, but for some reason the procedure I use doesn't delete the PK file. This doesn't affect the session in any way that I've ever found, but if you're obsessed with being tidy, you can delete the PK file for the deleted wav, cuz you don't need it any more. I usually just leave 'em though.
AA2.0 has changed over 1.5, and the destroy track option isn't the same. It really is a inconvience, because if you do a bunch of takes (like a punch in...whatever)....all those old takes get saved and you can't easy wipe 'em off the hardrive WHILE doing the session. All the tracks get saved in a "recorded" folder...and believe me, they can pile up quick if you are just goofing around...recording...erasing...experimenting. Then this folder is full of unrecognizable trash. My solution is to just name the track you want to keep, and then it is easily distinquished from the other [numbered] tracks.
I wonder how you'd delete a track from tha rhode island file? Or from tha vermont file? tha new hampshire file?

:D :D :D

midwest said:
in audtion 2.0 how do i delete a track from tha maine file

for some reason when i delete my track it doesnt delete it from tha main folder

any help

This thread has convinced me not to buy AA 2.0.

Software that makes it hard to manage what's going on in your files and on your hard drive? Nah, no thanks.