Cant decide which soundcard i need


New member
I have about 300 dollars to spend on a new soundcard that I would need to hook up to my yamaha2816. I have a couple needs that this soundcard must meet:

1. I need to be able to send one a atleast one channel from the 2816 to the computer for editing in sonar.

2. I need to be able to send the stereo out from the 2816 into the soundcard for mastering in Soundforge.

3. I atleast two pairs of outs to run to different sets of speakers.

I think thats pretty much it i probably forget something though.

If anyone can suggest a soundcard to me and explain what it is capable of i would really appreciate it.
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Ya i dont think ill be going with soundblaster, but Im still not sure which delta series would be the best for me.
I'd probably say a Delta 44 or 66.

That gives you four ins and four outs, with or without S/PDIF depending (price difference is 229/299). Maybe you can find something to use the other ins and out for later? If you know you'll never need anything more then maybe check out an Echo Mia:

That's two analog ins and two analog outs, exactly what you'd need for your stereo in and monitoring. That's $179. I'm not sure about the quality, maybe some people might chime in or you can search and find out.

I'd probably go with the Delta 66.