Can't add instrument track

Mr. Up

New member

I have Cubase LE5 with a Tascam US-122mxII interface on Windows 7.
Since a few days there is a problem to add a new instrument track to a project:
I click on Project/Add track/Instrument and select one of the available instruments.
Then I click OK.

Normally it will appears on the screen, but now I see nothing.
When I click on 'Edit Instrument' I see it comming up very deep on my screen and very blurred. Only the top is very vaguely visible.

Now way to drag it up, the moment I click on the misty thing deep down, it disappears.
What to do? I really hope somebody can help me. Thanks!
Never heard of that type of thing with Cubase. Maybe a bad install? Try a reinstall of Cubase and see if that fixes the issue.
Well that sounds interesting. I'm going with Jimmy on this one, maybe a bad install or something. Everything you describe is totally not normal.
I searched many forums on this problem and couldn't find anything similar. I will try to reinstall the whole thing and report the results. This will take more then a week, because all the CD's are in my home and at the moment I'm not there. Sorry for that. Thanks already for the advices.
Keep us posted. The only other thing I could even fathom is issues with your video card. Usually that just ends up with the blue screen of death though...
I've had something similar(ish) except it was with the sends and inserts not working graphically, a fresh re-install of cubase fixed the problem.
I am sorry, but at the moment I have problems with re-installing Cubase LE 5. As soon this is fixed, I will let you know the result.
Finally I reinstalled Cubase LE 5, but the problem is still there.

I can now be a bit more specific about it: from all the instruments of Komplete 8, I have trouble with Battery 3 and FM8.
All the others appear normally when I want to add them as a new track and click on 'Edit Instrument'.
Battery 3 and FM8, however, don't come up.
I can see only something very vaguely down the screen under the toolbar.

When I click on 'Edit Instrument' this blurred thing disappears.
Another click and it comes back again.

When I add as a new Instrument Track, for instance, Kontakt 5 and change the instrument by clicking on the name of the present instrument in the Inspector and select Battery 3 or FM8, the same problem is there.

There is no problem when I open these two instruments seperate from Cubase LE 5.
They work fine.

So reinstalling of Cubase didn't work.

Maybe reinstall Komplete 8?
Man reinstalling komplete 8 would take forever though. Download the cubase elements 7 trial. It should give you the latest version of cubase LE.
are you sure that the computer hasn't changed the default screen size, and the cubase screen is bigger that the display. This happened to me when plugging in a new monitor, and my number 2 screen would not display the mixer, no matter what I did. I gave up and a few days later putting back the first monitor when I fixed it, the mixer was there. All that happened was the cubase page size included an area my monitor didn't display - maybe the 'glow' you can see is the fully functioning window, but where you cannot get the mouse to to drag it back. Might be worth a look?
I have been quit some time busy with this problem and all the the time the solution was in front of me.

I described how I saw something vague under the toolbar and the solution is: put the toolbar in a vertical position.
Now the top of the 'lost' instrument is clear and can be dragged into the right position.
After closing and restart Cubase the missing instruments are now showing up in the middle of the screen.

Everybody many thanks for being so supportive!

Problem solved!!!

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