Cannot hear MIDI Thru in Cubase VST/32 5.1


New member
This is my first dealing with Cubase, so be gentle.

Here is my hardware setup (and don't laugh)

MIDI Keyboard with MIDI out connected to ...
Sound Blaster Live (only sound device in my computer).

I had trouble at first, just getting MIDI Thru working (I could tell it was going thru because the Out VU meter was moving). Now the Out matches the In VU meter, but there is no sound coming out of my speakers.

I checked the Windows volume control panel and MIDI is neither muted nor turned down, and I hear other sounds out of my PC. What gives? Am I missing some hidden setting?
Ugh! Now the MIDI thru is not working on my other program, but the windows mixer shows it loud and proud. What gives?
SBLive has a separate MIDI volume control. make sure the slider's up, and that midi sound is not muted. You might also need your wav volume up (it's separate from CD volume), but if you're hearing Windows sounds (as opposed to CD music only), THAT should be ok.

Make sure your Cubase midi out for your midi track is the SBLive soundcard, and not midi out or midi through. And make sure your Cubase Audio setup is okay - can you play wavs from Cubase and hear the output?

All I can think of. I disconnected my SBLive a year ago, so I'm working from memory.

Good luck.
I figured it out!

I didn't set my MIDI out port as inactive (I don't want to hear the sucky sounds of my keyboard) using the MME Setup. I set it as inactive and set my Soundblaster Synth to active. I'm working now.

I have one more question, though, and I don't want to start a new thread. How do I assign a specific VST instrument to a specific track?

Again, pardon my newbie-ness to all this.
First, enable the VSTi you wish to use on the VST Instruments panel.

Then, in track view, it should be available as a midi out.