Can you use a daw/midi control surface in Adobe Audition 3.0?


New member
I was looking at a DAW/MIDI Surface controller, but was wondering if Audition 3.0 supports it. I know Reason, Ableton, Reaper, etc. (those good ol' MIDI programs) are supported, but I wanted to use a Korg nanoKONTROL2 for mixing and a USB MIDI foot switch assigned with transport buttons like record, stop and rewind for when I'm recording guitars.

Any info is greatly appreciated, couldn't find anything any where. Thank you in advance.
Yes, AA3.0 supports MIDI control surfaces but....

...basically it wants the control surface to emulate Mackie protocols. I don't know the Korg you mention so can't answer whether it can output the "right stuff". If it can't, you're stuck with writing your own interface in Audition--I've tried to do that in the past and failed dismally.
Mackie protocols, as in Mackie "codes"/calls being sent to the PC? I guess I will just have to buy one and check it out, and return it if it doesn't work out.