can you hook up a tascam cassette 4 track to a cd burner in any way?


I run my 424mkIII to a stand alone cd recorder and mix down to cd. Results are very good.
I have a

Adaptec CD Burner. It's an external CD Burner but it is supposed to be hooked up to the comp. How would I hook this up to my Tascam 424 MKIII?
Yo Keg the Shapeshifter:

I would guess that you would run out of your recorder via the stereo RCA outs?

If you have digital outs, even better.

Green Hornet:( :D :p
Use a cord with 2 L/R 1/4" jack with 2 L/R rca ends which goes into your burner, if you have an external burner, for the home that is. If not, go with a cord with 2 L/R 1/4" jack and 2 L/R 1/4" jacks and get a reducer that reduces the 2 1/4" jacks down to 1 1/8" jack that goes into your computer, Radio Shack has them, or even GC. Good luck!
You cannot hook up that burner to the 424. Use a cable with 2 RCA plugs to 1/8" mini-plug, the RCA side into the 424 and the 1/8" into the soundcard of your computer. Record .wav files of your mixes and burn those to a CD.

I mean....I dead. I drank to much last nite while recording and I dead this morning. But, if I'm not mistaken IMHOS(in my hung over state) my 424mkIII IS hooked up to a standalone cd burner.
Should I or shouldn't I. Go back to bed that is.