Can you dump wav files from a cd into a professional studio at once?


New member
I have a D16 that I would like to do all my tracking on. However, I want to go into a professional studio using pro tools to mix my songs. The Korg support said I cannot dump multiple tracks at once into another system. However, he said that with version 3.0 I could convert all 16 tracks to wav files and save them to a cd.

Is there a way that a professional studio can take a cd with 16 tracks of wav data and dump them into their system all at once? The studio uses pro tools. The idea is to save studio time and money by not having to track each track one at a time! This is tedious and boring and expensive!!!!

Any advice or help is appreciated!
ANY studio using a PC/Mac based recording system can use .wav files from a CDR to mix with.

Check with the studio you have in mind to assure THEIR capabilities. I offer mixing services, and certainly can accept .wav/.aif files on a CDR and bounce them over to the Alesis HD24 via the ftp function between it and the computer. Fully automated mixing on a O2R, etc..... On a ProTools system, they would just copy the .wav's from the CDR to the hard drive and get to work. Easy enough.

Better get crackin on transferring those wavs from the D16. I did the same for my band and it takes a while.....especially when you start transferring 10 songs !!! was a nightmare. It takes quite a bit of time, so make sure you factor that before booking this studio.

Peace out,
Try this:

Download the PTLE free version from digidesign's site Or find a friend with the 001.
Upload the wav files (make sure you can sync the wav files together).
Upload it all to the PT free version(or 001) and then save as a PT session.
Make sure if you are using a PC to check out how to save as a mac version.
Then all you have to do is brin a CD with your PT session and it loads in secs......
Thanks guys! One more question---since I'm converting tracks to wav files----could I not theoretically put more than 16 wav tracks per song? I'm not mixing on the D16 so I'm not limited to 16 tracks---correct? I know the D16 won't play more than 16 at once, but this should not limit the studio---the one I have in mind uses pro tools and a lot of tracks! They should be able to sync this in pro tools/etc----correct?
Yes you can add more the 16 tracks.

As to the syncing - if you have them trimed exactly, all they will have to do is line them up. If not your going to have to leave a click or some kind of a audio point for them on the start of the tracks to line the wav files up together so that they can sync them easily.
could I not theoretically put more than 16 wav tracks per song?

Yeah you can do that. Export each track to a wave then bounce a rough mix to a single stereo track. Make a new project and import the mixdown. Record more tracks and and export them as well. Repeat as nessecary.