Can We Hear What You're Doing ?

bob young

New member
I'd love to hear the results of your work with Cakewalk.

If you could post a link to something you've done using Cakewalk, with some details about just what it is we're hearing..
That'd be cool, I think..

As soon as I finish a project, I'm gonna put it up here just so all you technos can rip it apart !

Do I like pain ?....


Bob Young
Hi Bob,

Have you checked out the MP3 Mixing Clinic on this board? Most of us Cakies normally post our mixes over there for review.

Now, do you see the buttons across the top of your screen? Just over from the logo on the left -- things like USER CP, REGISTER, CALENDAR, MEMBERS, F.A.Q.?

Well the one you want to click on is SEARCH - that will open a screen where you can search any forum or the entire site. I suggest a search for DACHAY in the MP3 Mixing Clinic should give you some interesting results...

Not trying to teach you how to suck eggs -- just trying to help you get the most out of this site.

So, let me know if it is possible to teach old dogs new tricks.

;) Q.
Thanks Querty, I'll do that !

This old dog learned a new trick just last week, and Mrs Old Dog is verrry happy !

Bob Young
I'll save you the trouble.

The first one (Does Anybody) is a collaboration with another person who frequents this site (ChuckU). It was done via file exchange over the internet. Chuck and his friends did the instruments, sent me a Cakewalk file and me and my friends did the vocals.

The other (How Bout Us) was also sort of a collaboration. Most of the instruments and all the vocals were done by me and my friends. Chuck did the trumpet parts, and Lt. Bob (another Home Rec'r) did the sax.
Well, that's a pisser !

I'm dial-up and I can only hear the first few seconds...

Is there a way to download this ?

Sorry, I'm so lo-tech, guys.......

I juust figured out how to set the clock on my VCR last week....
VCR....I's a Video Recorder.......

Oh well.....

Well, that's a pisser !

I'm dial-up and I can only hear the first few seconds...

Is there a way to download this ?

Sorry, I'm so lo-tech, guys.......

I juust figured out how to set the clock on my VCR last week....
VCR....I's a Video Recorder.......

Oh well.....


The intro sounds specfreakintacular !
Thanks Moskus..

I knew that...just forgot... DUH !


that's very impressive..

can you tell me about the drums..I'm assuming they are machines..not because they don't sound like real drums but because there are a couple of places where the drummer sounds like he's got four hands !

Are those real drums triggering machines..or what...

So....what's your background ?

How did you get into this stuff?

And old are you ?

Great job on the vocals..

Onliest things I missed were the extra one or two mults CTA always did on backup vocals, and the trombone tag at the end !

Otherwise..this is dead on !

Bob Young
bob young said:
Thanks Moskus..

I knew that...just forgot... DUH !


that's very impressive..

can you tell me about the drums..I'm assuming they are machines..not because they don't sound like real drums but because there are a couple of places where the drummer sounds like he's got four hands !

Are those real drums triggering machines..or what...

So....what's your background ?

How did you get into this stuff?

And old are you ?

Great job on the vocals..

Onliest things I missed were the extra one or two mults CTA always did on backup vocals, and the trombone tag at the end !

Otherwise..this is dead on !

Bob Young
Bob - Chuck recorded all the music tracks for the Chicago song. Me and me boys just did the vocals. One of my friends did the lead, and me and two other friends did the BGV's.

The drums are real. In fact, everything in the song is real except the trombone, which was done on a keyboard. (BTW, I also missed the trombone tag at the end - but I suspect it was just a little too tricky to handle via a keyboard. If Chuck happens to read this thread maybe he'll care to elaborate further.)

As for the rest:
I'm 56. Play guitar (poorly) and sing (even more poorly). Played in bands in my (much) younger days, but haven't performed professionally in many, many years.

A few years back, me and some friends starting getting together on Friday nights. Mostly doing soft vocal harmony stuff - America, CSN, Beatles, etc.). It's sort of like a drunken, Friday night, poker game - but without any cards. :)

Anyways, sometime around 1998 we decided to try and record an album. So we went to a local studio and paid about $2500 ($75 an hour) for someone to record us into a computer. I was already into computers anyway, and when I realized you could record music on one, I was smitten. So when we thought about doing a second album, rather than line someone else's pockets at $75 an hour, we took the money and bought a computer, a compact mixer, a decent sound card, and Sonar (actually Pro Audio 9 at the time). Then all I had to do was to learn and use the friggin' stuff. That's how I ended up at this site.

We are still doing the Friday night thing, but now we record a lot of it.

Since I found this site, I have also done a few collaborations with the guys I've met here. In fact, as moskus hinted, we are currently doing a version of Ambrosia's You're the Biggest Part of Me that involves many of the guys you have already met on this forum - me, moskus, Porter, James Argo, Bluesmeister, Jagular, Wfaoroni, and Pedulist (I think I got everyone). It's close to being done, but I'm still waiting on a guy who is doing a sax track for us. I'll post it and give you a link once we wrap it up (which should be in another two weeks or so).

So, what about you? I get the impression you still play professionally? I need to check out your stuff. I saw you posted a link, but I'm also on dial-up so I've been waiting until I have some free time.
Cakewalk songs

Bob, here are a collection of songs recorded in Pro Audio 9. I've since upgraded to Sonar 3, but these songs still stand on their own. I've been using Cakewalk since version 6.0 in '98. They've managed to keep me with them because they frequently upgrade their product, and they have good tech support. I hope you enjoy them.
Re: Re: Re: Can We Hear What You're Doing ?

moskus said:
But is there some wma-artifacts, or is it just my ears?
I don't think so....but you're the acoustic engineer as far as I remeber from another thread....
Re: Re: Re: Re: Can We Hear What You're Doing ?

HMusikk said:
I don't think so....but you're the acoustic engineer as far as I remeber from another thread....
That just means I work with acoustics and acoustical treatments in buildings, but it doesen't make me a recording engineer... ;)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Can We Hear What You're Doing ?

moskus said:
That just means I work with acoustics and acoustical treatments in buildings, but it doesen't make me a recording engineer... ;)
By the way, I used Soundforge 7.0a to convert the tracks to WMA....
Maybe if you made a 160 kbps version... ?

Whateve. The point is that the songs sound good! :)
Bob Young - finally got a chance to check out a couple of your tunes. BTW, I broke one of my cardinal rules in doing so - I registered at Sound Click. Normally I refuse on general principals to register at any of those sites. Seems like you could at least do a smiley face now. :D

Anyway, nice stuff. The two I listened two were country - so I presume that is your main genre. You and Jagular should hit it off famously. Thanks for the listen.