Can the Johnson JT 50 be THAT bad?


New member
OK, someone turned me onto a Johnson JT 50 amp, and it sure seemed like the perfect solution for a lot of situations. There's 21 presets (I play a lot of different instruments on stage and the ability to have the perfect setting for each seemed like a winner) accessable by the cool footswitch which also contains a tuner and volume/wah pedal, the size of the amp is managable, it looks cool, etc, etc. Plus, the ability to record direct out of the amp seemed like an interesting idea--I've always wanted to try one of the "pods". This, on paper, is exactly the amp I've been looking for except...


Now, I've got a lot of nice amps (3-10" Bandmaster, AC30s, etc.), but I'm no amp snob. But I was really dumbfounded by how bad this thing sounds...

Is the JT 50 representative of the way the new modeling amps sound?

I'm gonna try running it DI to see what kind of sounds I can pull out of it, or maybe try running it through a Twin to bypass what sounds like a horrid amp section...

Anyone out there have experience with the JT 50? Is there an amp out there with the same features that actually sounds decent?

You have multiple AC-30's?? I feel very lucky to have found my '63, let alone be able to have multiples. Cool.

I don't care for any of the DSP or modeling amps, myself. I bought a CyberTwin, but returned it after it developed some issues. But it does seem like there's a HUGE difference between the JT-50 and the Millenium, which is seems like there shouldn't be.

Yeah, I was lucky enough to travel alot in England back when you could get a nice AC30 for 3-400 pounds (600 bucks), so I picked up a few. My fav amp though is a fawn-colored AC15 twin that is a fabulous recording amp--not alot of volume, but great sound on tape, especially with a nice ribbon mic on the slat in front of the speaker...

Back to the JT-50...
I've only had this thing a few days, so I haven't really had a chance to lean on it. It seems the problem is the amp section, so I'll try sending the signal to something like a Twin or a Bassman, but then I'm luggin two amps.

I'm just wondering if this model is a lemon, or representative of this type of amp in general...

It kinda reminds me of the US Vox amps of the 60s--honky, and way too woofy on the low end...