Can someone help me with why I'm not getting results from Auto Tune or G-snap?


New member
I'm not getting anything from either of them so I'm thinking it's maybe something I'm doing wrong with Reaper.

I'm pretty new to all of this. I know how to get the vst going and everything, but I'll open either Auto Tune or G-snap, change stuff around, and I'm getting little to no changes in the original audio track. I've gone through everything I could think of, watched tutorials, read about it, but I'm still just not getting any changes. I'm starting to think there's something simple I'm missing, probably with the setup of either reaper or auto tune.

I'm trying to take computer-generated speech and make it "sing" with auto tune for a bit on one of my songs, so I am after some pretty major changes although I'm not worried about any chipmunk effect, that synthetic sound is what I am shooting for. Am I expecting too much from this software?
What kind of effect are you trying to add? Are you trying to create the T-Pain effect, or are you trying to perfect the intonation a little more?
Just trying to take a dry monotone bit of computer generated "robot" dialogue and put different words at the different notes I want.
What you're talking about isn't going to sound very good, it's still going to sound exactly like a robot. Perhaps you're not making the setting drastic enough to make an effect that you can tell. My recommendation is to set very drastic settings and see if that changes the sound at all, if it does, then chances are that you just can't hear the changes you're making.
As I said in the original post:

I am after some pretty major changes although I'm not worried about any chipmunk effect, that synthetic sound is what I am shooting for.

Tutorials I watched were able to bump up vocal tracks enough for some (albiet bad sounding) harmonies, and I can't even get a slight change in my robot voice track.

So frustrating...
As I said in the original post:

Tutorials I watched were able to bump up vocal tracks enough for some (albiet bad sounding) harmonies, and I can't even get a slight change in my robot voice track.

So frustrating...

Whoops, read through it too fast and missed that part, my bad.

I'm not really sure what the problem is. Sorry I can't be of much help, all I can say is to make sure that the plugin is turned on (i know that sounds dumb, but we've all made that mistake once or twice, and in my case more times then i care to admit).

and if all else fails, you should try and use the plugin that comes with REAPER for pitch automation, that one will work for sure, I believe it's called ReaTune or ReaPitch (something along those lines) and that will work for sure.
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