Can somebody please identify this microphone jack for me?


New member
I'm new this forum and to microphones in general. I bought a new record player made by a company called Federal. These record players would record radio programs onto 78 RPM records by using a special stylus. The back of the record player cabinet had a piece of metal that read "microphone." I think the pictures I took show what kind of tip the microphone would need to be to plug into. Can anybody tell me what type of microphone needs to be used? If it's not a jack for a microphone, can anybody tell me anything about this piece? Thanks!

Can you shoot a picture of the underside of the chassis as well (or more photos of where that connector goes) I have a Wards amp that has similar speaker connectors.

You don't happen to have a schematic?
That looks like the same kind of dual banana plug jack that's used on the back of a lot of power amplifiers. I've never seen one used as a mic jack, but there's no reason you couldn't. Only 2 connectors, though, so it's unbalanced. I'm betting it's looking for a high impedance mic. -Richie