Can No Longer Drag tracks From Desktop into Cool Edit Pro?

  • Thread starter Thread starter NekroG
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New member
I was able to do this for ages, then recently I can no longer do it.
I am using windows 10 CEP 2.1, I ran as an admin and still can't do it.
Not sure what changed that makes it so I can't drag files into it, is it a windows 10 thing they recently added?
Any ideas would be help.
:( 2 Years later and still no answer, would make my life so much easier.
now on windows 11 same issue.
Perhaps you should contact the program's makers.
I didn't know they'd gone? I just figured they were probably now called something else and bought out? I used to like Cool Edit.
I was able to do this for ages, then recently I can no longer do it.
I am using windows 10 CEP 2.1, I ran as an admin and still can't do it.
Not sure what changed that makes it so I can't drag files into it, is it a windows 10 thing they recently added?
Any ideas would be help.
1st thing I'd do is go to the program properties to make certain that the compatibility setting is correct. I'm thinking Windows 95 or 98 would work best. If you still can't drag and drop, you should still be able to have the program open any given associated file.
I didn't know they'd gone? I just figured they were probably now called something else and bought out? I used to like Cool Edit.
Adobe bought them out and renamed the software Audition. The first version of Audition was practically identical to Cool Edit.
Audition 3 was the last version you got to own. Now it's all licensed.
Ha! I never knew that audition sprung from cool edit. That probably explains why I'm comfy with audition, even though it's not my editor of choice (Sound Forge is my go to editor)
I've had that happen on Win xp in the past, and again recently on Win 10 - if you dragged a file with a filepath length (the whole c:\a\b\name.wav name) longer than 242 it would crash, and after restarting cooledit, or even windows, subsequently crashes on any attempt to drag a file regardless of name length.

The only solution I found was to completely remove cooledit, from the registry at least, & possibly required from Appdata & Program Files too, then reinstall. I made notes a while ago re Win xp and am just in the process of seeing if this procedure works on Win 10 too at the moment:

Cooledit may crash if try to drag (or batch convert) a file whose filename is too long (more than 242 chars)
When cooledit starts next it will ask if want old session, if say yes the long file will be loaded ok.
But all file dragging from then on can cause crash.

to fix this need to
end task cooledit in task manager
reinstall after searching for & deleting Syntrillium (usually 2 copies) from registry (must do that else still crashes)
and possibly (don't seem to need to do this part ) deleting doc&settings\mjs\appldata\coolpro2 too.

Install from cepsetup.exe of 10/4/2002 (Cool Edit pro v2)
I've had that happen on Win xp in the past, and again recently on Win 10 - if you dragged a file with a filepath length (the whole c:\a\b\name.wav name) longer than 242 it would crash, and after restarting cooledit, or even windows, subsequently crashes on any attempt to drag a file regardless of name length.

The only solution I found was to completely remove cooledit, from the registry at least, & possibly required from Appdata & Program Files too, then reinstall. I made notes a while ago re Win xp and am just in the process of seeing if this procedure works on Win 10 too at the moment:

Cooledit may crash if try to drag (or batch convert) a file whose filename is too long (more than 242 chars)
When cooledit starts next it will ask if want old session, if say yes the long file will be loaded ok.
But all file dragging from then on can cause crash.

to fix this need to
end task cooledit in task manager
reinstall after searching for & deleting Syntrillium (usually 2 copies) from registry (must do that else still crashes)
and possibly (don't seem to need to do this part ) deleting doc&settings\mjs\appldata\coolpro2 too.

Install from cepsetup.exe of 10/4/2002 (Cool Edit pro v2)
I'm running CoolEdit 2.0 win 10, and I can drag and drop wave files into a new session, but they don't always line up
My understanding is if you run it as admin then no drag and drop. Same for me with Cubase.

Seriously though, why would we even expect old unsupported software to keep working as everything else gradually gets updated. A tiny change wont even be tested on old stuff, so it could just be something absolutely trivial that breaks a chain nobody even realised was still working?
right click on the cool edit pro icon on your desktop....then click properties.....then click security...then click "to change permissions, click edit"

make sure all the groups and usernames have full control.

then click ok and you should be able to drag files into the multi track view.