Can i use the delta 66 breakout box WITH the omni studio?


New member
I was thinking about buyin the omni but I would only do it if i could run both at the same time with out having to have 2 cards

having the 12 ins and outs plus the added features of the omni would be great

do they just hook up together?
Fraid not. The breakout box plugs into a single D type connector on the PCB soundcard. The same one that the omni uses. Plus there are driver and software issues too. And the software mixer.

Why do you need so many audio inputs? Surely a small mixer plus the Delta 66+ omni would be enough for most small recording project studios?

I have the Delta 66+omni and a s/blaster Live! for midi/soundfont work and will shortly get a 12 channel soundcraft M series mixer. Enough I/O for me:)
yeah i seen the 1010
but since i already had the 66 i was hopin i could jsut add on to that

I don't need the extra ins and outs now
I was jsut checking cause eventually i will
but the 1010 does look sweet
You can add the omni to the 66 - but you can't have both at the same time.

The 1010 doesn't give you any pre's. But I think the 1010TL does.

I still think an omni plus a small mixer is a better option for you.
But I think that perhaps you can run two Delta 66 cards, one with the regular breakout box, the other with the OMNI Studio box.
Yes, he can do that (Hi AlChuck:) ), but in his original post he said he didn't want to do that.
SASS (short attention span syndrome) -- by the time I reached the bottom of the thread I forgot the top!

If you're recording drums you're going to want at least 6 analog ins and outs I would think. It would be worth it to try and figure this out.