Can I use Cubase 5.1 on my laptop?


New member
I've just been away for 2 weeks' holiday and used SX 1.0 to while away the evenings. I thought it would do me good, after I bought SX last year & *hated* it, to try it again. No way! Yuk! Took me ages to get a couple of bars of chords down in MIDI (by mouse-drawing) - about a 30-second job in 5.1 - cos the 2 programs work in such different ways.

I'm pretty experienced in all sorts of programs, from graphics to music to Web building, but SX/SL drives me mad. Result... I thought I'd ask about using Cubase 5.1 on my laptop. I can't use my Dongle as it does not have a parallel port into which I can connect the Cubase Dongle. Surely there must be thousands of Cubasians who've had to address this problem... And surely there must be some kind of adaptor or something somewhere in the world?

Anyway, one thing's sure, I'm not going to waste my precious holiday evenings with SX next year - it'll be 5.1 on laptop...or off to the bar!! :p
human bean. i'll keep this brief as i dont want to be jumped on by cubase users. if you are open minded.
try the demo of powertracks ( i use it.
a superb cheap midi (and audio sequencer). if you think i'm lying talk to users on the forum at pg. it might suit you - it might not.
Only $49.00 - wow!

Hey, it looks pretty good, manning. Thanks - no harm in trying it. I've been using Cubase for years, so I wouldn't change permanently, but knowing other MIDI programs is always useful. I'm downloading PowerTracks Pro Audio 9.0 Demo now...

Thanks for the tip. ;)

hey human i keep on giving folks these great tips but noone bothers to click on my reputation. (note the scales - boo hoo !)
two tips with powertracks(ptpa)/
1. make sure you tell ptpa which audio and midi drivers to use.
2. you will see on each track a TY column. looks like a midi plug. click on the midi plug and depending on number of clicks, you will see it change to a single wavefom (mono) or two (stereo) then just click recording button to record. if recording midi just dont click.
you can ask me for further tips if you wish by posting in the comp/sound cards section. start the post off as "hey manning1" or such like.
i mention this because ptpa is VERY deep and has 10001 tricks that are usefull and not readily apparent to new users. however its very intuitive.
on midi tricks there are tons. ask powertracks users at the ptpa forum at pg
as they are midi nuts compared to me.
Thanks for the extra tips...

I'll bear them in mind when PowerTracks is installed. I have other stuff to do for now, but I'll certainly be trying it out very soon...
