Can i sing ... even just a little?


New member
Okay to be honest this has been bothering me for years :O
i rap but i think i can sing as well, i sing around the house, in my room etc. and think it sounds okay but as you know a recorded vocal sounds somewhat different to what you think you sound like so when i recorded myself singing i thought it didn't sound like me so i even changed mics but still the same, but now i'm getting used to it. Any ways i did a song to really find out if i had any potential?
its Say Goodbye by Chris Brown

Say Goodbye (Remix) by YJ

i dont think its my best, may be its not a good choice of song for my vocals but any ways its something

Let me know what you guys think of it, i'd appreciate any feedback or advice
Well, you were quite out of tune most of the time (not like just enough to where I think you could fix it with practice), but I found your vocal tone enjoyable.
Wow, that was pretty harsh! You're not a terrible singer! I think you just need a little practice with your tone control! I didnt find your singing unbearable or anything. After all, this is a very hard genre to master! maybe consider vocal lessons, or atleast online lessons to improve your pitch?
Good tone and your voice suits the style, but like like everyone else said your pitch is off. A combination of vocal technique work and some ear training will clear that right up.
To answer the question.... No, you can't sing now. however, you do show potential to be able to sing (and sing well) eventually. The main problem is of course pitchiness - you are flat almost the entire time. But also, something nobody's said yet, is that your singing through your throat (that's why it sounds thin and -forgive me -a bit whiny). If you try to sing DOWN into your chest you will get a fuller tone (which, judging from the spoken part in the beginning, you have). obviously you won't really be projecting into your chest, but thinking about singing down into your chest will force you to use your full voice and not pull air up with your throat, but rather push it out with your diaphragm. And after some time practicing, your pitch problem should start to get better, and your tone will develop as well. Good luck!