Can I get your expert advice on this Craigslist ad?


Out of style

I've been wanting a working multitrack and am always on the lookout for a good deal, just wondering if this might be it. It's real close to me, so I'd go down in person and check it out, just wanted to know if it's worth it. What do you guys think?
If you say you want a working machine, this one clearly isn't. The seller's ad says none of transport functions work. No play, no record, no winding or rewinding. That might be something as simple as a blown fuse but then fuses don't blow for no reason. Usually they blow because too much current is being pulled. So parts may be shorted, motor's or brakes might be seized, etc. The tension arm on the take up side also looks stuck in the up position. So something is amiss there too. And on a smaller note, the head cover is busted off. I always wonder about machines that have grievous damage like that and about the lack of care they receive from their owners.

Now, at $140 bucks, its certainly cheap enough if you have the means to pay for additional parts and repairs. If you don't, then its a crap shoot as the likelihood of it only needing a couple of fuses is slim. Mighty slim.

Cheers! :)
I'm in the Toronto area and am selling a 100% working Teac 80-8 w/ an NOS reel of BASF 911, take up reel, DX8 noise reduction, RC-71 remote and an extra headstack. That's about as complete a package as you can get!

I know we're a bit far apart but if you want a working machine, I can guarantee this baby is in good shape.
Hey man, go for the 80-8! That 38 seems like a bad deck. And I think the 80-8 just sounds better ... I've still got mine.
Yeah thanks for the thought though, it's a bit far out of my way.

If you say you want a working machine, this one clearly isn't. The seller's ad says none of transport functions work. No play, no record, no winding or rewinding. That might be something as simple as a blown fuse but then fuses don't blow for no reason. Usually they blow because too much current is being pulled. So parts may be shorted, motor's or brakes might be seized, etc. The tension arm on the take up side also looks stuck in the up position. So something is amiss there too. And on a smaller note, the head cover is busted off. I always wonder about machines that have grievous damage like that and about the lack of care they receive from their owners.

Now, at $140 bucks, its certainly cheap enough if you have the means to pay for additional parts and repairs. If you don't, then its a crap shoot as the likelihood of it only needing a couple of fuses is slim. Mighty slim.

Cheers! :)

Thanks, this is exactly the kind of advice I was looking for. Guess I'll pass...argh.... :\
Whoops! Sorry I should've looked closer to the ad. For some reason I thought you were in the Manitou area in Ontario.

Best of luck! Lots of Tascam 8 tracks out there.
Yeah thanks for the thought though, it's a bit far out of my way.

Thanks, this is exactly the kind of advice I was looking for. Guess I'll pass...argh.... :\
I wouldn't advise you to give up before at least going to check it out in person or at least waiting for some more people here to chime in with their opinions on the machine as well.

Cheers! :)
I'd go look at it. You might even get it for less since it says 140 or best offer ;)

I have a 38 myself and they are fairly easy to work on. It is probably as simple as the tape sensor switch thinking there is no tape loaded, so the transport functions dont respond.

The ad says all the VU meter lights are working. To me that can be an indicator of a low hour machine. They burn out over time and most people never go to the trouble of fixing them.

Good luck!
You never know, but this is being sold as a parts machine.

It could be a no brainer like the previous owner not reconnecting the transport button cable when he replaced the belt. There's also a chance that the deck would work with the RC71 wired remote, despite the front panel buttons. The tension arm seems stuck in the up position, and the head cover missing, which might indicate drop damage, but the tension arm could be slightly bent, or even the lubrication has solidified preventing free motion,... a maintenance item but not a serious deal breaker. The head cover could be missing as an incidental item. They are somewhat delicate and are damaged easily. You really never know til you at least check it out. Reviving this deck could be fairly easy. The description of the testing thus far indicates the R/P functions are good. Could be an easy fix for the adventurous DIYer. The price isn't too bad, considering.
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