Can I get some feeback on three recordings


New member
A Review on the Three Songs?

Here's three songs recorded in my sisters basement. They were all recorded through a Behringer MX3282 into an Aardvark Pro Q10 and then into Adobe Audtion. I had a shure 57 on the snare, I used two Beta 56a's for over heads and a SHS OM-500 inside the Bass drum (I've since bought a Beta 52a). I had my Bass guitar plugged in direct into the board but still used the amp as a monitor which bled over into the Kick mic. One guitar had a Behringer B2 Pro Large Diaphram Condenser placed in front of it and the other guitar was plugged directly into the board. vocals were recorded live as well thru a Shure 58. I used plug-ins to mix and fix.

Heavy comforters were hung on the walls, an area rug was placed in the middle of the room, A real thick piece of foam was placed behind the drummer and another behind the bass Amp (a TNT 160, it's about 15 yrs old but rocks). The room must have been around 12 X 22.

I think I lost the Kick on some of the songs, not sure why. Let me know what you think. <--Backdoor

Go through the index page and click "Masl Productions" to go to the three songs. I had a subdirectory named incorrectly.
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ok, Link Fixed

Sorry about the bad link, I had a subdirectory spelled with a Capitol "M" instead of a lower case. These things are case sensitive.

Well I hope I can get at least some reviews. It was the biggest recording session that I got to use on my aardvark pro q10.

Try the links again.
Only the first song worked for me - the others are still 404s.

Great feel to the song - good separation of the instruments in the mix - the only thing that really jumped out at me was the drums sounded a little "flat", maybe a little "tinny". That could very well have been the sound you were shooting for, dunno.

As per Geocities

Why do I get a "Sorry, this site is temporarily unavailable!" message when I visit my site?
As a free Yahoo! GeoCities member, your site will be made available again within an hour after being disabled for exceeding the data transfer limit.

To avoid this in the future you can:

* Reduce the overall size of your site. Many times a site can exceed the data transfer limit when a large music or video file becomes popular. You can try to reduce the size of such files or remove them your site completely.
* You can sign up for either the premium GeoCities or Yahoo! Web Hosting services. Both packages not only offer increased data transfer but enable you to buy additional data transfer when necessary. :mad:

Basically They're Saying "ONE SONG AN HOUR...TOPS" That Sucks!

Maybe you should save yourself the trouble and NOT Check em out.
Because the network bandwidth used by views on your song(s) have exceeded what they give you for free accounts. You will need to find another host ...
Where to post?????

Does anybody know where I can post these songs and others where they won't fuss about copyright and Bandwidth? :confused:

Dreams - alman Brothers.
Stood Up - Original tune
John's song - Original tune

Reliable links are prefered. :D
You can post your original tunes at any number of hosting sites: (15MB limit for free account)
there are lots of others. look around and see where other people in this forum are hosting their songs.

For cover tunes, you need to have licensed the recording from the copyright holder to legally post it anywhere. It is usually not very expensive to get the rights to do a cover. The trick is tracking down the right person to grant you the rights.