Can I do this? (keyboard+CPU+Strings software)


New member
Hey everyone! Long time browser, first time poster here. I have a question. I want to have awesome sounding strings for a home recording I'm doing. I was wondering, can I buy software like Garritan Personal Orchestra and just plug my keyboard into my laptop via USB? Do I need any extra hardware/software/equipment?

It sounds too easy to just be able to plug a keyboard with MIDI or USB into a computer and only have to buy 1 program and and instantly have a super awesome sounding orchestra at my fingertips... there has to be something I'm missing yes?

If I do need a crapload of other stuff, is there any other program that has great sounding strings and DONT need a bunch of other stuff?

BTW, I know absolutely nothing about MIDI or computer programing or sequencing. I'm a DAW user but I could plug my computer into my DAW and press record.

Any help you guys can give me would be GREATLY appreciated!
Depending on your software, keyboard, and available interfaces you should be able get something workable.

However, as with most projects like this, how good your end results turn out is largely dependent on how much work you put in near the beginning.

Do a little extra research: what keyboard has all the functions you want? What software has the string sounds you want? Listen to some demos and previews of both. Read manuals and tutorials both to make sure you know how to use them.

That should also cut down on frustration as you try to get things set up and configured.

Sorry, I can't be more specific about names, but I haven't actually done anything like what you're asking personally.

Welcome to the boards, by the way.
I bought a midi-usb cord to load my daughter's keyboard into the pc and so daw. It crapped out in a few weeks. I'd suggest getting an audio interface with midi inputs as well as line/canon inputs. That way can go direct thru the capacitors etc of the interface box.
I didn't know the program you're talking about and checked it out at

At the bottom of that page it has the computer requirements - check it out.

It says it's a stand alone program, so yes, it appears that you need a computer, a USB keyboard and that program and you could play those sounds into your DAW. With USB you don't need MIDI cables, or MIDI plugs... MIDI has pretty much lost to USB and the only reason they still have MIDI is so that you can hook up old MIDI stuff, plus there are some advantages like you can use MIDI without a computer for instance.

Any USB keyboard would work... I use a 61 note M-Audio. It's rotten quality to be honest, but is extremely light for gigs and has features I like. I'd buy a used one to save money if possible.

An alternative would be to get a keyboard that has great string sounds or a keyboard and a sound module that has string sounds you like.
Hey everyone! Long time browser, first time poster here. I have a question. I want to have awesome sounding strings for a home recording I'm doing. I was wondering, can I buy software like Garritan Personal Orchestra and just plug my keyboard into my laptop via USB? Do I need any extra hardware/software/equipment?

It sounds too easy to just be able to plug a keyboard with MIDI or USB into a computer and only have to buy 1 program and and instantly have a super awesome sounding orchestra at my fingertips... there has to be something I'm missing yes?

If I do need a crapload of other stuff, is there any other program that has great sounding strings and DONT need a bunch of other stuff?

BTW, I know absolutely nothing about MIDI or computer programing or sequencing. I'm a DAW user but I could plug my computer into my DAW and press record.

Any help you guys can give me would be GREATLY appreciated!

GPO is an application that will run either as a standalone program or as a VST plug in.

This means that you can do exactly as you first ask, i.e. plug your keyboard into your laptop via USB, call up GPO as a standalone application, then play to your heart's content.

If you want to do more than this, you will need a DAW (such as Cubase, Logic, Reaper or whatever), insert GPO as a VST instrument plug-in, then again, play (and record) to your heart's further content.
If you simply come out of the computer's headphone out it will work but to get a better sound you'll probably want a better soundcard or a USB (or Firewire) interface.
If you simply come out of the computer's headphone out it will work but to get a better sound you'll probably want a better soundcard or a USB (or Firewire) interface.

Maybe, maybe not. Perversely, this is one case where I think a better soundcard or a USB interface may not be necessary . . . because most onboard cards, though built cheaply, are pretty good at laying back at a reasonable quality. Furthermore, the GPO uses its own sounds as a VSTi, not just playing the rather desolate GM Wavetable sounds.

But I do agree that, in the end, a dedicated audio interface would result in an improvement, and is essential if the GPO is to be combined with audio recording more generally.
^ Only thing with GPO, well, not sure about the later version though, runs off ram rather than DFD direct from hard drive. You are pushing it unless you have 3gb ram. Steinberg piano can take minutes to load on my 1gb system - and it causes freezes always.

^^The mAudio, does it have velocity sensitive or weighted keys? I reckon that would be best. I had a chance to buy one but thought there would be a lack of feel ...

Is there a difference by the way in latency between midi/midi and midi/usb?
^ Only thing with GPO, well, not sure about the later version though, runs off ram rather than DFD direct from hard drive. You are pushing it unless you have 3gb ram. Steinberg piano can take minutes to load on my 1gb system - and it causes freezes always.

^^The mAudio, does it have velocity sensitive or weighted keys? I reckon that would be best. I had a chance to buy one but thought there would be a lack of feel ...

Is there a difference by the way in latency between midi/midi and midi/usb?

Yes . . . loading samples can fill up your RAM pretty quickly.

I've got two keyboards that have pressure sensitive keys and another with weighted keys. I expect the mAudio, like my Evolution, is in first category. Though pressure sensitive, they are really difficult to work with to get real nuances out of them. The weighted keyboard that I have is really good for recognising a delicate touch, and if that's what you are aiming for, then that's what you would need to get.

I have the Evolution connected via USB, and a Roland connected via midi. Both have extremely low latency. I can't tell a difference between USB and Midi.
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OK... I've also realized that I dont know abbreviations for anything. I dont know what a VST or VSTi is or what it does. And to further my stupidity, I dont use a DAW, I use a digital recorder, Roland VS-890. THat part doesnt make much a difference, I dont think. But anyways... let me see if I've understood this:

1. I can play plug a USB keyboard into my laptop and use GPO as a stand alone program and play til my heart's content.
2. I need more RAM since I only have 1.25 GB.
3. Its difficult to get the nuances of a performance with a keyboard.

Is this right so far? By the way, thank you all so much for your help! :)
OK... I've also realized that I dont know abbreviations for anything. I dont know what a VST or VSTi is or what it does. And to further my stupidity, I dont use a DAW, I use a digital recorder, Roland VS-890. THat part doesnt make much a difference, I dont think. But anyways... let me see if I've understood this:

1. I can play plug a USB keyboard into my laptop and use GPO as a stand alone program and play til my heart's content.
2. I need more RAM since I only have 1.25 GB.
3. Its difficult to get the nuances of a performance with a keyboard.

Is this right so far? By the way, thank you all so much for your help! :)

VST is an acronym for something like Virtual studio Technology (I think) and the "i" is short for "instrument". It's one of the ways in which plug-ins are created.

Your Questions and some answers:

1 Yes
2 Not necessarily. You will probably manage okay with what you have. If, on the other hand, you were creating a symphonic score in a DAW on a computer using VSTi for each track . . . then you would struggle.
3 Not necessarily. It depends on the type of keyboard. Most of the unweighted keyboards have a rather unsubtle pressure sensitivity. That's where you lose delicateness of touch.
OK, I got GPO and until I get a keyboard, I'm just using the screen piano that comes with the program. Is anyone proficient at this program? How do I create my own ensemble?