can cold temperatures ruin mics?


New member
I just set up a small studio in a garage and it get's kind of cold out there...especially at night. Is this bad for microphones? I figured they were made to handle a lot...and it doesnt say anywhere not to leave them out in cold weather.

I've got 2 shure sm57s, an audio technica 4033, and a shure beta 52. Should I take them home with me when I'm done recording? I also got my Event PS6 monitors and my computer and Aardvark sound card out there too. Is this bad? I didnt think it would be damaging. I've left other electronics outside in cold and hot weather and even dampness. But my studio equipment means a lot to me. Haven't had problems yet...but I dont want any! Can someone clue me in? Thanks!
Well.... I wouldn't leave condenser mics out in the cold, I'd bring them into the house (unless they're the cheap kind - like a Marshall - then it can only help it!)... and as far as the other gear - if it's close (or worse, below) to the freezing mark, then you may have to worry about plastic parts (as in circuit boards) cracking.

I'd look at it this way - you spent all this money on gear, why not invest in a little portable heater for a couple of hundred bucks and not worry about it!

Take your mics home.When I had my gear set up in my former garage studio I would always take my mics with me,just in case of a buglery.At least you'll have somthing. Go to your local home center and see if you can find one of those oil filled heaters like the famous "Delongi" brand. They have a 600 900 or combined 1500 watts setting, are economical and safe.I have a couple,one is 10 years old and I run it constantly. You can get them in the northeast for around 50.00. Are you guys insured?
Thanks a lot for your replies. I have a little heater down there but I can't leave it runnning when I leave. I can't even leave it plugged in. Maybe I'll invest in a different one like you said!

But as of now I only have 4 mics so I might as well take them home with me. I've started taking my computer home on the nights we go down there. It won't hurt to take a few more things with the mics and the aardvark breakout box. I guess I'll leave my monitors down there. Thanks again Bruce and Hot Rocks. By the way, how does coldness actually damage microphones?
The capsules on condensers are very sensitive to cold temperature and dampness in terms of rigidity/sensitivity of the diaphragm. I keep mine stored at in their cases with a silica gel packet in each one...

ive got time to go pick up my microphones right now actually! i know the audio technica 4033 seems like not a lot of money to some people but $350 to me is a lot of money. thanks again.