Can anyone here do good horns? Collaboration possibility?


New member

I initially wanted to put some horns in my song "I Drank Alot Today" but was unable to get a good horn sound from my keyboard... you can hear the song I'm talking about here:

Anyway, if anyone can do some good hornage (I'm talking about creating a large horn section sound), and would like to make this song a collaboration type thing, email me so I can give you details.

I'll probably still have the current version available and then have the horny version as a seperate type thing.

Hope someone can help.

Teddie (Smart Apple)

Well my wife says I'm pretty horny. :)

But I don't think that'll help ya any! hehehe.
Do you want somebody to arrange the horns for you or do you just want somebody to just play an arrangment you wrote?
That is one awesome, catchy tune!
I definitely could hear some horns in there, but another thing that would sound really cool is one of those steel-drum/kettle thingies (I forget what they call 'em)... you know what I'm talking about?
Great job on the vocals, too.
Bob and I are hoping to get that bluesy tune to you within the next 2 or 3 weeks, so take care of that voice! ;)


Are you talking live horn sounds? My fiancee is a trumpet player, also plays some trombone and french horn (but we're still savin' to actually BUY a french horn - god, those things are pricy)

If that's what you're hunting, we could probably record some parts for you if that's what you are after. I'll play the song for her and see what she thinks.

Let me know...
ric, you horny devil, you.

Shailat, that's a good question. I would really love to hear what some folks could come up with as far as an arrangement. But I wouldn't want to be a burden. Maybe I'll try to put down a simple horn arrangement using my crappy keyboard and put the mp3 somewhere for people to download it as a reference and then someone with horn-talent (like yourself) can lay down a horn track beside it, not in it... because I want to mix it. Would you like to try and come up with an arrangement?

Buck62, bro! Thanks alot for listening. How are you? Hey, I definitely know what you're talking about with the steel-drum thing. I might try and implement that into the horn version of the song, or maybe both... dunno yet. Hey, I'm all hyped-up for the collaboration on the Mac Bros' blues tune... I mean, I'm really excited about it! Big Daddy at is too, as I'm sure he's told you. This will be a great thing for everyone concerned, thanks for including me.

OldGrover, I'm really not sure what I want... If live horns sound good on the song, great! If synth horns sound good on the song, great! I've really not had the experience with hornage to know, but I know what my ears like. I like the horns in that "sell out" song by "big ugly fish" or "big hairy fish"... "big fish"? "big old fishes"? "big gold fish"? Do you want to try and arrange something? See my comments to Shailat.

I will definitely give the proper credits to whoever takes care of the horns on this song. Absolutely.

Thanks everyone for your interest!
Sure, put an mp3 somewhere and we'll see what we can do.. if nothing else, be good practice for me recording wise.

Cool :)
I'm a bit limited for time in the next 2-3 weeks so I'll leave it for Old Grover.
Also I would use samples of real horn players and O. Grover suggested a real player so better to go with him.
If O.G. can't finish it, i'll step in to help just email me.
Ill try and make up a hornline for yah. i play trombone and ive played in alot of ska bands and ive had to make up many hornlines. if your interested e-mail me at or contact me icq at 73341963. youll have to tell me how you want it sent to yah (midi, mixed in with that mp3 ????).
OldGrover, thanks man... see what you can come up with if you don't mind. The mp3 of the song is here: please see my comments near the middle/bottom of this post**

Shailat, hey no problem man, thanks for your offer.

darnold, I'll send ya an email. . Like I said, who's ever horn(s) I use, they'll definitely get the credits for the horn(s) for sure. **Below is how I need it if anyone can do it:

** I'd need the horn(s) track(s) seperate from the "I Drank Alot Today" mp3 so I can import it into my multitracker and mix them up into the original mix just perfect (I mean, use the song mp3 as a reference, but keep the horn(s) separate from it). The horn(s) track(s) can be in .wav format or .mp3 format... doesn't matter... I can import either one. If it's going to be .wav format, this might be better down through the mail... I've got a burner, but I don't know if yous guys do.

Thanks for all the help and offers folks. I'm grateful. I know this is a pain in the booty, but I think this will be a nice collaboration effort... and I think the tune would just be excellent with some hornage. I really do.

You guys are great.
Alright, I'll get my fiancee on the job. I'll probably end up sending you a wav of the horn line that you can mix to your liking. If I do multiple horns, I'll be overdubbing them, so I'll give you multiple wavs so you can mix 'em yourself, plus I'll probably do a mix just for the practice (I'm still getting into this stuff)

She's heard the song and likes it, so hopefully we'll get this going.

Ill also get started when i get some spare time. However, if yah want trumpets, im not sure exactly what i could do. i will look around for a trumpet player to play. Also, are you interested in saxaphones too? I will send them to you mp3 and let you mix them in but i will also try mixing one in myself.
I just barely listened to the song actually. I like it, definately a ska style of music (which makes it easy for me to write a hornline). i will definately work on it cause it sounds like alot of fun.
I hope your patient with me on gettin the horn recorded. ive came up with a hornline however and i will try and get a trumpet player. but i need to finish this big project i was expecting to be done yesterday. but as soon as its finished i will work on getting the horns recorded.
oh also, im gonna make a few different horn lines so u can pick the one your like best (at least two different ones).
hey Teddie. Have you gotten your horns yet from someone else? im sorry i havnt gotten to it. at the moment if i have any time at all for rocording i have to spend it on mixing a project (huge mix). Also, i have about 3 ska bands askin me to come play with them at the moment and its a little tough coming up with that many hornlines at once. But i will let you know if i just throw it in real quick.

Ill tell yah what. If theres any time when i have a little spare time or im just playin my trombone ill be makin up some hornlines for it. Then if i can ever squeese in a little time ill get it recorded for yah. Ill do it as soon as possible.
