Can an unsigned artist upload and sell their music per download on iTunes?


New member
I cant determine if this is possible or not and my stress level is at a peak so any help would be appreciated.

I know for a fact that single song purchaseing is the wave of the future and iTunes is happening. I personally have an iPod Photo and an iPod mini. Even Bush now has an iPod. I have to get on iTunes. How can I?
You can get onto iTunes (in theory) by signing up with CD-Baby, which is what I've done. CD baby give you a barcode too to put on your album artwork, assuming you plan to do a CD.

If you have no physical album of course then CD baby isn't an option.

Whether you actualy sell any downloads on iTunes once you're listed will be down to your promotional activity of course, kinda goes without saying i guess.

How you get on iTunes if you have no physical prodcut to sell I don't know.
Tha Biggest Phonmonemon To Come Out Of Chicago

I must say (Young)Blaze has skills. Someone told me about his soundclick (which is and when i went to it i thought it was hott. It was like a breath of freash air. I like it cause it was different than the stuff i hear on the radio. Also i found out that (YoungBlaze has a website ( and i like how the designer did it. On thing i do know is when some in the industry find this kid their sales going to shyrocket. Dont believe me see for yourself!!!!!!!!!!!! :tu :tu :tu :tu :tu :tu :tu :tu :tu :lol :lol