Can Acid 4.0 & Audition 1.5 be sync"ed?


New member
I am a keyboardist with all my arrangements done in Acid 4.0 one track at a time. My M-Audio 66 allows me to record multiple channels at the same time however acid dosnt have this feature but Audition 1.5 does. I've heard of helper programs or programs that are able to sync to eachothers timeclock to play in acid while recording in Adobe Audiotion at the same time would solve my prob... I think? Any help or link to previous thread about this issue would be greatly appreciated.

i know you can rewire reason with cubase,
so you just play back the song in reason, and you can add effects on every channel or instrument in cubase, and mix it down..

but i don't know that its possible with acid and audition

why don't you mixdown your keyboard tracks to ONE stereo mix,
import that on channel 1 in adobe audition,
and record mutiple other channels in audition,,,,
and make another mixdown from audition and you got your final song...

isn't that what you're trying to do?


Yeah but.....

I still want individual track control over the acid volumes. Mixing down to one stereo track is to final for me at that point. But thanks for the reply.
