Calibrating Question


New member
So i have a sample of "PINK NOISE FULL bw -20 dBFS"

I load it up in Cubase SX3 with all faders set to "0". Now the meters are saying that its -14.4dBFS....??

Then i load the same sample up in Wavelab6 and it says -11.29 dBFS with a -19.26dB RMSFs

Shouldn't cubase be -20dB RMSFs to? Do i have to calibrate my meters or is this normal?
Just a guess (and it's early), but could Cubase be reading the RMS levels from a mono sum?

Yes, i did have it comeing from a mono channel and when i panned the channels full left then full right, the signal came out to be 11.5dBFS. I dont know if cubase is measuring in RMS, i dont think it is. Is there a way to switch from RMS to FS?
