Cakewalk Pro 9 and SB Live.


New member
Good afternoon,

I have a problem that is taking some contemplating. I would like to use my SB Live for drums, bass and so on in CWPA9. This I would like to record onto a track to a MR-8. My thoughts are that if I use a 1/8th In. to 1/4 in. cable I should be able to record to the MR-8 from line out on the SB Live and still use the soundfont banks instead of buying another synth. Should I go this route or make the wife take her new car back so we can get a nice synth? ;)

Also, if anyone has done this before, what kind of quality do you normally get? I'm sure you are asking "Why not just try it?" and the answer is simple. I'm waiting for the MR-8 to land on my door. Any information would be most useful and tia.
You headed a right direction Texas ranger... Sequence the Soundfonts, and route the SB's line out to MR-8 line input. Record 'em.. As long as you happy with the result, I got no complain about the quality. It's fair enough for me. Most my client also. Just make sure you patch better Soundfont for each sound, rather than that canned 2MB GM sounds.


for free downloadable soundfonts and look for GoldDrums. It's the best that I found...

Thanks for the information. I will be checking the sound fonts out perhaps this evening. I will be posting some music when I get a chance from the MR-8 using CWPA9 to help others looking for a low cost solution to home recording.

Thanks again James. ;) I'll let you know what I think on the drums and such.
Hi there, FatBoy.
I haven't recieved your PM (due to BBS database error I think...), but there's Email notification about your PM. I see you have difficulty patching the GoldDrums. Actually, the file is compressed using SFPACK (common compression utillity for SoundFont files).

The compressed file on the site is

5262648 Drum Set Gold Kit (13,031KB) 2001-05-14

It means 13.03MB compressed to 5.26MB. Did you downloaded the file as SFPACK file ? If so, then you must uncompress it with SFPack utillity. You can download it for free here...

After you downloaded both the file and utillity, then you may uncompress the file using this utillity. Then you can have the .sf2 file and patch it. Come back if you have any difficulties.

Ps I PM'ed you, but not sure if it works so I post here also...
Thanks James,

I did get the soundfonts as I found that the route must have had some heavy traffic (and obviously it was late as I didn't think about re-trying it today) or some routing problems. I did get it and it seems to be working fine now.

Kind of had a small "How the $%^@ do I get this working?" moment, but after about a couple hours and a few soundfonts that didn't work, I found some that did and presto! It's pretty easy, but kind of a pain when the sf files are junked.

I do like that SF file though. Kind of a tinny sounding delay though so I'm going to check my settings on the SB. Other than that it should be fine once I get the MR-8 and start doing some recording.

Trying to get used to the features in CW again since the last version I used was on a 286 or 386 back in the early 90's and DOS based. ;)

I'll post some tinkering here for opionions and ty for all the help.

Ps. Didn't get you'r pm either. Guess it's down for a bit.
Yo, Fatboy, did you get the GoldDrums ? In case it doesn't work, you may also try this site.

Clock on the Sound (Left bar) and click on Drums & Percussion sounds. Page 2. This site also provides you a huge great SoundFonts also...


PS Finally I got your PM.
...Finally !!!
...Where have you been moskus ? Long time not seeing you around. Whazz up in Norway ?
I have to admit that those drums are very nice. Thanks very much for the information on getting them up and going to Jay. Also, thanks for the link Moskus.

One thing I noticed though on the sound fonts was when I was in CWPA9 and was trying to get some song ideas I was asked to install the Quicktime midi driver. (Ack!) I returned to CWPA9 and (still being new to sound fonts) found most of my sounds were not working. I had to uninstall the quicktime junk and reboot. Hehe, guess that is one for the mental note of things not to do. ;)
James Argo said:
...Finally !!!
...Where have you been moskus ? Long time not seeing you around. Whazz up in Norway ?
Well, me and the misses is spending the holiday at my parents this year, meaning no 24 hour internet access... :( But saturday I'll be back home, and you'll never get rid of me! Muhahaha! ;)

And Norway is cold as hell! I'm sick (more than usual)! Hate hate hate hate beeing sick! :mad:


Fatboy, did PA ask you to install Quicktime? Sounds strange! Get rid of Quicktime, it only causes problems, is my experience.

You might need to rise the amount of memory used by your SB Live! for soundfonts. You can do this in AudioHQ -> Soundfonts. I consider 100 meg a minimum...

Good luck!
Hey there Moskus,

Yes, I did (the same day) get rid of QT and PA didn't ask to install it, but a midi from the web did. Nothing but problems until I uninstalled now everything is working great.

Just found out the MR-8 though is on back order so no playing for me until about the 22nd. (*sigh*) That's what I get for buying something during the holidays though. ;) I did get my dobro though. :) Been wanting one for quite some time. It's the Regal RD-35B.

Thanks for the info and hope you get feeling better.