Cakewalk Mixdowns - Hypostasis


New member
Ok, I've been using Cakewalk to edit and record tracks off my 16 channel (4 subgroup) Studer Mixer.

I think I've got this song pretty much finished but tell me what you think and how you would make it better.

Great tune, I really like the sound!

I use cubase also. What I would do is pull the vocal up front a little more, increase the room size on the vocal (reverb A - medium room- room size = 40-55 high pass = -15 low pass = 0) a little, and use very little compression on the vocal this will help keep the vocal out front.

Cakewalk not Cubase but thanks for replying! :)

I had to compress the vocals quite a bit in order for them to be heard well, as the vocal track was REALLY quiet... the singer doesnt really project when he's recording unfortunatley, and i wasnt able to turn the gain up enough for it to be nominal without it hissing. I did turn up the track quite a lot before compressing it, but that leaves as it is.

Ill pass those comments onto the band, for some reason they dont like the vocals being very prevailent in their songs most of the time. Hopefully they're happy with the mixdown already :)

Again, thanks for the input ! :D
Haha, no probs man ;) Not like im perfect either.

(I'm presuming you wern't trying to insult ME there, mostly because it wouldnt make any sense if you were ;))
No I was not trying to insult you....

Let rephrase my last statement...."I am still learning to read"

I need to slooooow down and read what I write.......
