CAD NDM 10 worth it?

This Is Poison

New member
Let me start by saying, besides an i5, I have no drum mics what-so-ever. On impulse, I bought 3 USED CAD NDM 10 mics for $50. I'm just wondering whether or not that's worth the money. I came home and looked all over the internet for a general estimate these mics might cost, but came across next to nothing. I found a few on ebay used for $89 a piece, but for some reason that doesn't sound right to me... I know that these aren't going to sound that good, but I'd like to get some hands-on experience multi-tracking drums at home.

SO, if what I paid sounds too much to you, please let me know. I convinced the guy at the store to let me return these (when used items typically can't be returned.)

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