Cable management

Essentially I was recommending a bunch of different "data center" type products that do what you're looking for.

Hooks, wire ties, eye bolts, all sorts of things for the DIY'er works well as well.

Many places sell velcro wire ties which are reusable - while more expensive, you don't have to have wire cutters handy to add, remove or change wiring.

You could even drape cabling across cheap coat hooks across the back of your racks - a top row of hooks for audio, a bottom row for power, for example.
Anybody have any pictures (or links to pictures) with good examples? (once again, referring more to the layout than the actual products)

I only have an Imac, a few mic's, a pre, and a pair of monitors for now - but will be growing and I'd like to start off on the right foot...
Exactly what KIND of cable management are you talking about? There's cable storage, where all your spare cables are organized in some manor. And there's hard wired cable management, where all the wires behind patch bays and stuff are tied together to keep them from turning into a rat's nest.

Which one do you mean?
Hard-wired cable management. Namely keeping power cables & audio cables correctly sorted (and apparently >3' apart or crossing at 90 degree).

Keeping power and audio cables 3 feet apart? Is that even possible? I can see 3 inches... but yes, don't run them parallel ever.
Is there a good way of keeping them 90 degrees (or just not parallel)? I don't know about you, but if I didn't have them taped/fixed somehow, they would (and currently do!) move all over the place...
Part of my job (at work, not in the studio) is organizing wires. It's a very small part of my job... :) but still part of it. When i'm putting a wiring harness together with 50 wires or so, I use wire ties like these

You can pretty much do whatever you need to do if you tie the wires together. I actually worked at a place where that was literally all I did. I tied wires together all day with wire ties, making them as absolutely pretty as humanly possible.