C4 compared to MXL603


New member
Ok this is the last one I swear. Is the price diff. on the C4 compared to the MXL603 worth the extra 100 bucks or so. I am willing to put out the extra cash if need be. These are the two that I have absolutly decided on. this will be pretty much a strictly guitar recording set of mics. Not a really great room to record in if that much matters.

if you are willing to spend $320 VS. $200 and if you are gonna use the pad or rolloff and if youll take advantage of the omni and cardoid capabilities, then yes it is worth it......
Yo Stocktony! I'll tell you, when you are sweating a purchase, I can feel your brain working 2000 miles away! Anyway, here's what the C-4's do that the 603's don't:
1. Generally sound better on any source, from overheads to harp. They have lower self noise, respond better to fast transients (sudden changes in volume), and are more accurate to my ears. *All of this is my opinion, not a fact*.

2. Bass rolloff, also known as a high pass filter, is useful in reducing "boom" when close mic'ing acoustic. Nice point- if you don't like it, turn it off. On some songs and some instruments, you want to let the bass come out more.

3. Pads are useful when close mic'ing cabs or percussion. When using a C-4 as an overhead, I usually don't use the pad, but that depends on the kit, the drummer, and how close the mics are to the kit.

4. Omni capsules, unlike all directional capsules (cardioid, figure of 8, wide cardioid, hypercardioid, etc.) produce virtually no proximity effect. In other words, they don't boost bass when the source is very close to them. Omnis, however, are a 2 edged sword, as they will pick up more room reflections, ambient noise, breathing, etc. Omnis are really cool with a great player in a great room, and not so good on a heavy breather in a bad bedroom. The additional capsules simply give you other choices.

In conclusion, it is my opinion, totally subjective and based on actual use, not scientific analysis, that the C-4's are better mics than the 603's, with or without the pad, the bass rolloff, and the omni capsules. However, it is also necessary for me to say that the 603's are very good mics, quite reasonably priced, and are very good on acoustic guitar in particular. Whether the C-4's are really better mics, and whether they are worth the extra money, is a matter of opinion, and if anybody tries to say that one or the other is a fact, they are bullshitting you, or they are confused.
stoctony said:
Ok this is the last one I swear. Is the price diff. on the C4 compared to the MXL603 worth the extra 100 bucks or so. I am willing to put out the extra cash if need be. These are the two that I have absolutly decided on. this will be pretty much a strictly guitar recording set of mics. Not a really great room to record in if that much matters.

I think the Behringer B5 is the mic you should be trying to compare with the C4 instead of the MXL603S because the B5 has the same features as the C4... heck, both the C4 and B5 are even made by same company... "797 Audio:" in China.
