Buying A Used XP-30: What Should I Look For?

Bryan R. Tyler

Hello, I'm a bassist looking to get my first keyboard. A local Guitar Center has a used Roland XP-30 in excellent shape going for $600. As I'm completely new to keys and not very knowledgable on what to look for in the used department, I was hoping someone could assist me in some info I should know, i.e. what accessories this board should come with, adapters, etc. Thanks in advance!

BTW, I'm a regular on the bbs, a great site to check out if any of you double on bass.
If I recall, the XP30 came with editing/librarian software. While this isn't a critical thing to have (to use the keyboard) it is important if you plan to do deep editing.

If you don't plan to tweak sounds too much - or don't use a computer, it may not be a big thing. The XP30 has well over 1,000 pre-set sounds - so you may not want/need to tweak much.

Other than that I think it can with a power cord (not the wall wart kind) and the instruction manual.and that's it . Make sure they have the manual - or make sure you can down load a maunal from Roland (this board does too much to figure out without a manual)

Play all 61 keys to make sure that create sound and son't stick. Make sure the main data dial work smotth (don't sitck or skip over control parameters0. Make sure all the control buttons actually work and don't stick.

The XP30 isn't that old, so the battery should be fine. If the keyboard isn't too beat up, there should not be too much to worry about.
mikeh said:
If I recall, the XP30 came with editing/librarian software. While this isn't a critical thing to have (to use the keyboard) it is important if you plan to do deep editing.

Its useless in WinXP, so I wouldn't even bother.
Thanks a lot guys. I'm still running Win 98, so the cd would be good to ask for. Also, I believe I've read that the XP-30 is supposed to come standard with the Session, Orchestral, and Techno cards, right?
You're right about the Orchestral, Session, Techno, they'll be installed. I bought an XP-30 on Ebay several months ago for $600. I love it. Ditto on getting the manual, you'll need it.
