Busted preamp in Vancouver, any ideas?

Jef Gibbons

New member
Hey folks, just wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to how I could get my preamp repaired out here in Vancouver. It's a Mindprint Envoice tube pre, and it crapped out a while ago. I had a guy look at it twice, but didnt fix it properly. It just sort of craps out after about 20 minutes or so, goes all crackly and then cuts out.

It looks like it was lightly cooked on one of the components, so I ordered a new transformer based on advice from the manufacturer, I just need someone that can fix it now! I'm willing to pay, I really liked the sound of this thing... any leads on repair guys in Vancouver area? The stores around here recommended this other guy that never actually fixed it (but got my money!)
Have you tried looking in a mirror??

If you have the parts... a screw driver, and soldering iron... shouldn't be that difficult... sounds like you already have it open...

The difficulty, really depends on how the transformer is mounted on the PCB... if you've got big metal legs from the housing soldered though the circuit boards, those can be a real bitch... I will usually cut the old tranny case off right above where the leads meet the board with a dremel rotary tool (and a delicate touch). This allows you to heat the remaining lead enough to draw the solder out and/or pull then from the board...

In rereading your post...I think you may be talking about the power supply transformer... easier still!!