Burning To CD


New member
I do voiceover, and I have a rather large file that I had to saved to WAV for a client. I tried to send it by ftp without luck, (That's another sad story of this technically challenged person) so am making a CD, or trying to. The file is 214 MB long, or 224,776,193 bytes.
I burned the CD to matchbox jukebox program, which I like, but toward the end it began to jerkily stop and start, missing words and the like. And I'm not sure how much you can get on a CD, or if I should have put it on two CD's. If so, how do I know when to stop burning and start burning on a second CD? Thanks a million for any help you can give me. Joan
Most CDRs are 700 megs or 7,000,000 bytes so you should have no problem putting that on a CD. Is it one long piece or can it be cut up into shorter tracks?

I don't know why the CD is doing that at the end, have you tried to play it on a consumer CD player?
yeah,what Jake said,your file size should be no problem at all.

as far as the stop and start jerking etc,try this:
Make sure your .wav is 16 bit/44.1 khz stereo before burnng.
Try burning at a slower speed,like 2x as opposed to 12x etc.
Try another disc,you just might get a bad one ever so often
If you are using Imation discs,pick another brand,Imations really suck.

good luck!
What do you mean Imations suck? They are always a good choice for me. I've never lost a disk to aging or scratching and all my disks burn nicely.

Comp USA on the other hand...:rolleyes:
make sure there NO other running programs on your computer when you are burning CD's.Programs kicking in for just a second here and there will cause skips....dont even open your Browser to surf the web...They will cause the final burn to have skips and jerks on it.....make sure the screensaver is OFF also....when a screensaver kicks in it will cause that section of the CD to skip or jerk at the time it kicks in.....I have experienced skips,shakes and jerky playback with all of the things I have mentioned.:eek:
My appreciation

My enormous thanks, as always. 'Screensaver'... I got a feeling that's it. Joan
Well,I know some folks who have had decent luck with Imations,but I have gotten more bad ones than I can count.
I have a short-run duplication service here and when I was using Imations I was running a reject rate of about 50 out of every 1000 discs. The best I have found so far are Taiyo-Yudens,which are running a reject rate of less than seven discs in 1000. Have to agree with you on the Compusa discs,those are really terrible.

Have a good one!
also, virus scan

i think sometimes turning off the virus protection software while attempting to burn may be a good idea...