Burn, baby, burn... Oh No!!!


New member
I somehow made my Presonus MP20 smoke two months after owning it (using it as a DI box for my bass)...

So, with that in mind, I have a project due by 19 Dec 2001, and the only pre-amp I have is a Spirit Folio mixing board. Do I get one of them cheap $99 tube stomp boxes? Are those little boxes going to be any better than my mixing board pre-amps? I wish I had another option.

I only have vocals left to do, and everything that I have been doing so far has been through the MP20. The vocals will be over acoustic guitar, bass, and hand percussion instruments. Some songs will be done with a Studio Projects C1, and some will be through an SM57 (well, that was when I was using the MP20).

Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Check out the new ART TPS, its only like $179 for 2 channels at interstate music. This is a get-it-done cheap pre, return it if it sucks ass to ya, but it will get the job done, has DI and two preamps. www.artroch.com
wait a minute

Let me get this straight...you blew up an MP20 by using it as a DI for Bass?

Is this active Bass pickups running 110 V back into the preamp? Or was it just a defective box...just too much low end? Did you leave the microwave on while tracking? What gives? Wild...never heard of that.

Wild indeed.

I think it must have been a defective box. I've been tracking with this thing for the past month, and somehow, the one time I use it for a live application... boom! I called the tech support guy and it will be a week on Sunday! I still haven't heard from this tech support guy.

Oh, and my thoughts on checking out my old job to see if I could use some time with the Avalon there, well, it wasn't there when I visited. Man, times are tough.
oh man!

you're not alone with your presonus problems -

i had a similar problem with a presonus blue tube - it zapped my mic and blew sparks out of the back when i plugged it in! presonus replaced it, but they took their sweet time. the guy i spoke to over there even jokingly said "yeah - we installed sprinklers in the new one we're sending out"

...that was annoying...


Walking Man Sound