Building Synths???


New member
:D Hi,
Anyone knows what career I have to study in order to learn how to build synthesizers?

What kind of engineering field? Any recommended schools for this? Mainly I just want to learn how they really work from inside out, and want to learn how to build them as well.

I'm trying to find schools in the CA area, mainly L.A.
PLease let me know, hey who knows someday I could build a synth for you lolz.

Thanks :p
hahaha awesome, I'm planning on going to school to be an electrical engineer with a minor in computer science for this very purpose, to hopefully build my own analog synth! Of course, after I finish my current 2 year degree in audio engineering.
Cloneboy Studio said:
Honestly, I'd get a real career first and once you secure a good day job start working on your dream of building synths.

Does government contractor qualify as a "real career"?.... ;)

Shit, dubya's got fleets of guys synthesizing their antics into "statesmanship" :rolleyes: every fuckin day of the week.

Government contractor eh......... sounds a lot like prostitution to me but whatever pays the bills.
Uh... look man... Paying taxes to begin with is supporting the "machine" ...aka we all get pimped.... I feel justified holding my job... end of story... :)