Building Studio! Need Advice! Akai DPS16, Protools, Mackie 1604


New member
Hello, I am fairly new to the studio building game and have a few core pieces of hardware at my disposal. I have an Akai DPS16 and a Mackie 1604 board along with a Mac Desktop and Protools with an MBox. My question is, what's the best way I should proceed? I like using the computer to control my mixes but would like to set my DPS16 or Mackie as the control surface. What do I need to be able to use my computer with these pieces of hardware? Are they able to be used with protools? And what do I need to connect them to the mbox, or a Digi rack if needed. Thanks!
Hi focus! Welcome to the bbs. Now before we go anywhere, I would like to know a few more things. What version of pt do you have, and what is your budget? I have a few suggestions bouncing around in my noggin, but I would like to know those two things first.

Thanks, drew
I have protools LE with an MBox2. I have a budget of 1500 for the whole studio. Already have monitors as well so really I just need to get a mic and some foam to get a basic setup running.