building cabinets

Neito said:
Thanks to everyone who's giving feedback; I now realize that even if I build a new cabinet, it won't give me the desired effect, so I've decided to buy a new head first, then embark on a cab-building adventure a little later.


Nothing should stop you from building a cab now, it will come in handy later.
Also, check the manual for your amp- if it was intended to use an extension cab, your amp will put out more power with it connected. Connecting an extension cab will drop the impedance load on the amp, and dropping the impedance load on an amplifier allows it to produce more power. You will definitely get some benefits. Just keep within the impedance limits of the amp.
easychair said:

Nothing should stop you from building a cab now, it will come in handy later.
Also, check the manual for your amp- if it was intended to use an extension cab, your amp will put out more power with it connected. Connecting an extension cab will drop the impedance load on the amp, and dropping the impedance load on an amplifier allows it to produce more power. You will definitely get some benefits. Just keep within the impedance limits of the amp.

Thanks, that needed to be said.
Also, the efficiency of the transducer and the enclosure have a very dynamic effect on SPL. Proper coupling of efficient enclosures as well.
wow, easychair and toki. Thanks a LOT. I suppose I'll be more specific with my equipment now and say that I'm using a Carvin PB 100-15. I'm going to check the PDF manual online to see if the amp is designed to have an extension underneath it. My guess is that because it's a Carvin, it's not going to be the best of amps, but we'll see. I think you're right, and I'm going to build a cab anyway, regardless of whether or not I'll be able to use it immediately. Thanks a lot for the encouragement.