Building Bass traps


New member
Hey everyone , quick question about an idea I have.

I want to build a bunch of bass traps , Im just using roxul safe n sound , I can deal with the fragility of it. My plan was to build what looks more or less like an open bottom pyramid , then I would screw these into the corners and fill them in with roxul and affix a fabric in the front to hold the contents on the inside (I would rather not use glue , just makes a messy situation really messy)

The big question is that because Im using plywook to create the frame is that going to reduce the effectivness? The other option I have is to just create the frame of the bass trap using 2 x 2 pieces then mount and cover it the same way.That way I would have more of the roxul in closer proximity to the corner.After looking at making fabric bags and all that , I just find it wont look at professional as a the rigid look of a fabricated piece and the fact that roxul is not so rigid.

I already have my plans wrote up for helmoltz panel and my absorbers / diffusers. The traps though are severely required though.

Thank You For Your Time!! If anybody has the answers it is you guys and I appreciate all of your help!

Neil S