Building a DAW - suggestions needed

melodik1 - how noisy is the PSU in the Antec Sonata you bought? Antec claims it is quiet but you never know what that means...

I'm about to buy a computer (not exactly a DAW but sort of) and I've considered the Sonata case, as it looked neat. But I want the PSU to be very quiet - inaudible, if possible, and it seems to be possible to mute the rest of the machinery almost completely (with a Zalman 7000 CPU-cooler, a enclosed Samsung Spinpoint HD and passive cooling elsewhere).

it's pretty darn quiet. i don't know about inaudable though. To do that i would think you might have to go with a water cooling system, or maybe a zalman psu to match your cpu cooler. Also, I'm not sure but i think thermaltake might have released a fanless psu. But if you don't want to spend that much cash, its definetely a good case for the bucks and the psu fan is very quiet, almost silent. But then again i am comparing the noise levels to a store bought hewlett packard from the year 2000, so who knows. If you're thinking about buying the sonata, though, check out, its on sale for $60 (after rebate). :D

That's cheap. I'm unfortunately going to buy a case in Denmark, where the Sonata is $140, at least :(

I guess you're right that a perfectly silent machine is quite impossible. But I'll try!