building a amp


New member
i have a 15 watt peavy amp but its not cutting it anymore and i was thinking of buildind a speaker cabinent and buying a 100 to 150 watt marshall head but what all do i need besides the speakers and the head and about how much would it be or would it be cheaper to just buy it all assembled ???

Well, seriously I'm not trying to be sarcastic but if you don't know what you need to build a speaker cabinet than your probably better off buying one.Why put celestions or any other speakers for that matter in a cabinet that's not constructed properly.

I have built a few tube amps, and fixed more. It will not be cheaper to try to build anything. I would consider buying something used in the 20-50W range. A combo. This is the most versatile set-up you can have. If you like Peavey perhaps take a look at Classic 30, or 50. I always like a tube amp that can start to break-up before the walls are shaking.

There are virtually endless choices in this category now, although some can get pretty rich.

Having said this, for a while I loved my Dual Showman and 4x12 cabinet!!!

Dual Showman and 4X12 cabinet. Beautiful but capable of shaking the walls before distortion. May I suggest a Fender Super Reverb 50 watts 4x10 or a Pro Reverb 40 watts 2x12. Great amps.
30 watts is way more than twice the volume of 15 watts.
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stay in the 30 to 50W range.

i played clubs for years with a modified bandmaster 100W to 50W head. 100W was just to much. i have a BF Bandmaster that i up'd to 100W, but this was way too much and i ended up going back to 50W.

unless you're playing big gigs, you'll never get a 100W head to the distortion point before rocking the neighbours.

in my home studio i now play a BF Champ, a BF Princeton or my JCM-800 50W. the JCM is still loud as Hell. often i'll use the Champ for feedback control. i'll put the JCM800 in another room and crank it. i'll drive the Champ in the room i'm in and use it to go into feedback when i want using a Volume Pedal. feedback is totally under my control this way. i've also had a lot of success with this setup driving a POD instead of the JCM800.
