Budget priced B&K 4011


New member
I know that my subject sounds impossible, and it is...but I'm looking for a pair of small diaphragm condensors (cardioid) that can produce a similar flavor to the 4011's in a budget of $500-700.

The application will mainly be acoustic guitar. I've enjoyed the sounds of those who have used these to record in the past. I have Shure SM81s and Rode NT5s, and while I get great use out of these, I'm wondering if there's a similarly priced pair that can get me a little closer to the 4011 sound.


I've seen the Earthworks small condensors go for fairly cheap (300 to 400 dollars a pop). If you're really lucky perhaps you can score a pair of tk10 mics for around 600. Don't count on it though.
Given your budget, I'd look for a pair of AT-4051s (cardioid) or AT-4053s (hypercardioid). These can be picked up on e-bay for @$250-300 each. The Josephson C42s are very nice, but a bit more money. Probably about $800 or so used for a matched pair. They are cardioid only. The AT mics will take other capsules so if you got those, you could later get omni or other capsules. I have both and either mic is an excellent mic. Not DPAs (current name for B&K), but probably as good as you are going to get within your budget. Here's an article reviewing several popular SD condensers that you might find interesting.


Another possibility, although I have not heard them myself, is the CEMC6 Peluso mic. Modeled on Schoeps CM6 I believe. Changeable capsule. Matched pair kit (cardioid) with case, shocks etc. is $770 from the manufacturer and streets for @$655. People have spoken quite well of the other Peluso mics so these might be a relative bargain as well.

good luck!
I've been very pleased with my KSM141s. Very different sound than the SM81, and switchable patterns too. I think a pair is $700. But neither those nor the ATs are flat response like the 4011.
I've heard the DPA 4061s and 4060s being compared to the bigger 4011s. The primary difference, according to those I've asked, is the higher noise floor in the smaller sized 4061s. But wonderful mics all the same.