Budget mixer with insert points


New member
hi i just wondered if anyone could recommend me a budget mixer. BUt it needs to have those channel insert points that allow you to connect up a compressor.

would this one do?



i put the wrong link up before this is the mixer were interested in.
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I couldn't tell from the pix if it had inserts. That's a powered mixer, like for a PA. Do you need a powered mixer with inserts?

I've got a Yamaha MG10/2 that has inserts on a couple of channels. So far I really like it.
How many channels with inserts do you need? The MG10/2 has two channels with inserts and is around US$100.
the yamaha one would be ideal for us but i cant find it anywhere

just found one on ebay £65 and bought it.
have you connected a compressor to yours? If yes how did you connect it? Also do you get any track bleeding with it?
No, but I only use it for mixing things to headphones when I practice guitar.

I record to PC and apply compression in the software to the dry signal.