Buck Gets LIVE 2-Hour Radio Interview!


Allrighty then!! It's now confirmed!

Myself and my partner (A.K.A. The Mac Brothers) will be featured in a LIVE 2-hour radio interview this Saturday, August 19th, from 11am to 1pm Eastern Standard Time, on the internet radio station http://www.beonair.com from Cleveland.
They are now playing SIX of our songs in thier regular rotation on a daily basis!
We will also be performing a few of our songs LIVE (unplugged), and you guys will get to hear some new singles from our CD "Assorted Flavors."
They also have a webcam set up, so you can watch us LIVE throughout the show. Make sure to click on the Alternative station to get the broadcast.
We'd really appreciate it if you guys could check us out. Especially since you'll be able to ask questions, make comments, or just say hello via e-mail during the show.
Of course, homerecording.com will definitely get a plug or two by yours truly. I owe a lot to everyone on this BBS for giving great advice and making me laugh on a daily basis. :)

Anyway, CD sales are going great and the reviews have been terrific!

Just so you guys know....
http://www.beonair.com constantly advertises that they are looking for CD's by unsigned/unknown artists and bands, and they give out thier station address a couple times an hour.

Hey, it worked for us!


See ya Saturday!
Buck, this is freakin' awsome man! I'll be listening and watching.

Thanks for sharing the info about them looking for CD's of unsigned'ers.
Thanx Teddie!
And congratulations to YOU on your recent airplay!!
I think you have a great shot at making your mark in the music biz... I sincerely mean that.
Your tunes ROCK, my friend. I haven't heard a bad one yet. :)
I highly reccomend that you send your stuff to beonair.com ASAP.
This site averages about 36,000 hits a month, and they are VERY helpful and friendly to unsigned artists and bands.
I can't say enough good things about them.
I wish you great success. Oh, and don't forget to e-mail us during the show!

Buck, you're too kind brother...
It seems like you're already breaking through man :)

Man, if I ever got a 2 hour interview, I wouldn't be able to keep it together... I have a tendency to laugh hystarically when I'm nervous, but that might make in interesting show, but I'd pass out after 2 hours of side-splitting.

I'm really going to check this site out. I looked it over a little bit this morning, but I was half-asleep. How did you find beonair.com? I've never heard of it, but apparently this site is some big stuff from what you're saying.

How did you introduce yourself to the site? Did you just send a CD in? Talk to anyone?

Sorry for all the questions, but this is neat stuff and I'm excited about the show and your interview. I hope my connections fast enough for it not to break up.
We found this site by doing a search of radio stations in Illinois, they have a station just outside of Chicago, as well as Cleveland and Cincinatti.
We just sent them our CD and they contacted us a couple of weeks later and told us that they really liked the music and BAM!... next thing you know, we're being played on a regular basis... 6 of our songs!
Thier goal is to reach 50,000 hits a month, and it seems like they are going to get there pretty soon. That's a LOT of world-wide exposure!
Just go to their site and listen up. They advertise thier station address and actively solicit new artists to send them their CD's.
Good luck, bro!
Buck, you're awsome buddy. Really thanks for the info on this. Hey, I just thought of something, Cincinatti's one hour behind the east coast time, I believe... I'll have to time the viewing of your interview correctly.

Buck, radio stations are notorious for using Koss headphones, try not to make a scene!!

Seriously, good luck, and break a leg.
Chris Hunter, Operations Manager for BeOnAir.com said he would be happy to play your stuff... of course, I told him that you totally rawk, dude!
Contact him at jox@beonair.com and let him know that you were referred by Frank from the Mac Brothers.
BTW, I was off on my numbers. BeOnAir is getting approximately 60,000 hits per month!
Get that CD to them ASAP!!!!

Dude! They really DID have Koss headphones in the studio!
Well, one of many pairs... but they were there!

The interview went really great! We were nervous for awhile, but then we got comfortable after a bit of talking and playing. We got some nice e-mails, all of them positive, during the show. Our website picked up a lot of hits because of our appearance, but it will be several days or maybe even a few weeks to see how much sales were boosted because of it.
All in all, it was a great experience. We had a lot of fun and we were invited back with an "open invitation".

This goes for everyone here:
If you have finished songs, or better yet, a finished album... send them to BeOnAir.com and you'll have a great chance to get played.
60,000 hits is a LOT of exposure!

Ciao 4 now...
My take on Chris Hunter was that he wouldn't play anything he didn't like alot. We need more disk jocks like that.
Buck, you are SOOOOOO freakin' high on my list of COOL people, bro!!! Thanks! I'm going to send my CD's out to him this week. It's really great of you to have mentioned my stuff to Chris.

I'm sorry I missed your interview... I'm so pissed. I stayed up way late Friday and didn't wake up until around 2:30pm Saturday afternoon. But I'm glad to hear it went well!

I wonder if there's anyway I can still see it... do they keep an archive or something like that? A "Past interviews" link or something? I'll check.

Thanks again!
You're right (as usual) about what Chris said... "If I like it, I'll play it."
Obviously, there are songs that have'nt, or won't, get any airplay. But one thing is for sure... they WILL give everything sent to them a listen, unlike most radio stations.
But I think he'll like Teddie's songs. They totally fit the format, and they really are well-written, well-performed tunes.

Internet radio is still relatively new... a baby, if you will. But, this could get really BIG with time.
There are no restrictions or FCC rules to regulate internet radio.
Just think of all the possibilities!

Good Luck!
I'm sorry I wasn't around to catch it, Buck. I did finally get to listen to the RA samples at the web page, and I'm glad you guys are getting some attention. BTW... I'm in Cincy. If you guys are ever in the neighborhood, be sure to give a shout.