Bruce and/or Q


New member
or whoever else. Here's the deal, a techno ish group wants me to enginer and mix their demo. Problem is they have all of their beats (See the thread in dj/hip hop forum for the true definition of a "beat" is) on their pc. Well the studio we're going to use only has adats and as a matter of fact, I like adats. He has a delta 1010 card and but no lightpipe card. Do I
A: Use the 1010
B: make them sack up the money for the lightpipe card
Reason I ask is, I've never hade to transfer from computer to adats, prior clients have that done already. I get paid to transfer and get the basic ideas of the songs, so it works for me.
Thanks all
Hey WC...

Well, I think you could easily get by without a digital transfer (ie, without the lightpipe).... yes, you will be going thru a D/A conversion, but no, I don't think you'll notice any difference.

In this case, what you have to worry about is how many tracks you need to transfer out of the PC. If the Delta card doesn't have analog ins/outs to handle transfer in one pass, you'd need to worry about sync'ing the ADAT to the computer so you do the transfer in stages (but in sync!)

That's about the best answer I can give, I personally don't do any computer-based recording, so I can't help you with soundcard specifics!

Hope this helps a bit...
Thanks Bruce,
I think I'm just gonna have them purchase a lightpipe card, because I really don't want to sit around syncing things up and doing one track at a time.
Well it's that or have me in the studio for quite alot longer. About 45 minutes of beats and such on 8-16 tracks average of 12. 12 tracks x 45 minutes = Nine hours , plus extra time getting all this stuff synced blah. Studio time at $45 an hour. I could have be evil and rack up the $$$$